Monday, September 30, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Despite one industrializing and the other de-industrializing, what commodity did Egypt and India have in common?
    2. Once industrializing, what did both Russia and Japan construct?

  2. How to Write a DBQ Essay

  3. DBQ Practice: The Break Up
    Use the documents to fill out the essay framework

Friday, September 27, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    For what we have studied in Unit 3, answer which country industrialized...?
    1. First
    2. Quickly
    3. Slowly
    4. De-industrialized

  2. Finish Sourcing Practice - First Day of School
    Use the documents to do a THINKS analysis

  3. Crash Course: Industrialization Video

  4. Industrial Revolution? THINKS Analysis
    Use the documents (Unit 3 Reader) to fill out the THINKS analysis worksheet

Thursday, September 26, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What European nation would come to have significant influence over India?
    2. Instead of growing crops for food, what did #1 force Indians to grow?
    3. What happened to the Indian population as a result of this?

  2. How Cotton is Processed in Factories Video

  3. Review Unit 3: Essential Question #2 (India)

  4. Introduce Sourcing
    Discuss how to analyze primary and secondary sources

  5. Sourcing Practice - First Day of School
    Use the documents to do a THINKS analysis

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Who was the naval officer who opened up Japan to trade?
    2. In response to #1, many people rejected to the shogun and turned to who?
    3. Who did Japan model their government and army after?
    4. Who did Japan model their navy after?

  2. Clip from Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire--Return of the Barbarians Video

  3. Review Unit 3: Essential Question #2 (Egypt and Japan)

  4. De-Industrialization in India
    Read the article (Unit 3 Reader) and answer the questions

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Who was the leader who led Egypt’s modernization efforts?
    2. What product did he begin the industrialization of?
    3. What would connect the Red and Mediterranean Seas?
    4. Which country would take over Egypt in the late 1800s?

  2. How Egypt Plans to Green its Desert in Becoming the World’s Largest Produce Exporter Video

  3. Discuss the Meiji Restoration
    Take Notes

  4. Clip from Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire--Return of the Barbarians Video

Monday, September 23, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What are two local reasons for the Industrial Revolution starting in Britain?
    2. What was one regional reason?
    3. What is one global reason?

  2. Origins of the Industrial Revolution Video

  3. Egypt's Industrial Revolution
    Read the article (Unit 3 Reader) and answer the questions

Friday, September 20, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Instead of by hand, starting with the Industrial Revolution, what would make products?
    2. What word means the movement of people into the cities?
    3. What did workers organize themselves into to improve working conditions?
    4. What are three inventions you wouldn’t want to live without?

  2. Discuss British Beginnings
    Take Notes

  3. Review Unit 3: Essential Question #1

  4. Unit 3 Essential Questions (Homework--Due the day of the unit test)

Thursday, September 19, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Using the image, what do you think the Industrial Revolution was?

  2. Why Is The French Revolution So Important? Explained! Video

  3. Unit 3 Overview Video

  4. Introduction to the Industrial Revolution Worksheet
    Use the reading (Unit 3 Reader) to answer the questions

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. We didn’t cover any of the revolutions in super detail. Which one would you like to learn more about? Why?

  2. Unit 2 Test

  3. Finish Impact of Nationalism Document Analysis (Homework)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What are two examples of revolutions for independence?
    2. Where was the only successful Revolution of 1848?
    3. What are two examples of revolutions for unification?

  2. Review Unit 2: Essential Question #3

  3. Impact of Nationalism Document Analysis
    Answer the questions (Canvas)

  4. Study for Tomorrow's Unit 2 Test (Homework)

Monday, September 16, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What unit 2 vocabulary term seen in this image?
    2. What two forms can #1 take?

  2. Finish Discussing Napoleon Bonaparte and Nationalism
    Take Notes

  3. What is Nationalism and How did it Spread? Video

  4. Discuss Examples of Nationalism
    Take Notes

Friday, September 13, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. After being defeated at Leipzig, where was Napoleon exiled to?
    2. What was the final battle of Napoleon’s career?
    3. After his defeat at #2, where was Napoleon exiled to?

  2. Continue Discussing Napoleon Bonaparte and Nationalism
    Take Notes

  3. Finish Working on Unit 2 Quiz - Recipe for a Revolution (Due Monday)
    See directions from Monday

Thursday, September 12, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What two titles would Napoleon take at the ruler of France?
    2. Which country did Napoleon have a failed embargo against?
    3. Napoleon’s failed invasion of what country would lead to his downfall?

  2. World History Benchmark #1

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What have you accomplished so far on your Recipe for a Revolution?
    2. What more needs to be done in the three two days?

  2. Discuss Napoleon Bonaparte and Nationalism
    Take Notes

  3. Continue Working on Unit 2 Quiz - Recipe for a Revolution (Due Monday, September 16th)
    See directions from Monday

  4. Review Documents for Tomorrow's World History Benchmark #1 (Homework)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Who led the revolutions in southern South America?
    2. Who did he align with to liberate Chile?
    3. What social class led the first two, unsuccessful rebellions in Mexico?
    4. Who led the successful rebellion in Mexico?

  2. Review Unit 2: Essential Question #2

  3. Continue Working on Unit 2 Quiz - Recipe for a Revolution (Due Monday, September 16th)
    See directions from yesterday

Monday, September 9, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Who led the revolutions in northern South America?
    2. What future country did he come from?
    3. What country would later be named after him?

  2. Latin American Revolutions Video

  3. Discuss Unit 2 Quiz - Recipe for a Revolution (Due Monday, September 16th)
    In a group of 2-3 or individually, choose one of the three available Atlantic Revolutions and, using its causes, write a "recipe" for that revolution (Canvas)

Friday, September 6, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Which social class was at the top of Spanish colonial society?
    2. Which social class was at the bottom of society?
    3. Which social class led all the successful Latin American Revolutions?
    4. Whose invasions of Spain and Portugal helped cause the revolutions?

  2. Finish Latin American Revolutions
    In your group, use the reading (Unit 2 Reader) to jigsaw the four Latin American Revolutions

Thursday, September 5, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What French leader attempted to re-establish slavery in Haiti?
    2. After the Haitian Revolution, what piece of land did #1 sell to the United States?

  2. Finish Haitian Revolution Today
    Use the sources (Unit 2 Reader) to answer the questions

  3. Hundreds of Years After Haiti Paid To Be Free From Slavery, The Costs Are Still Being Felt Video

  4. Latin American Revolutions
    In your group, use the reading (Unit 2 Reader) to jigsaw the four Latin American Revolutions

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Haiti was the most wealthy colony of what empire?
    2. Who was the leader of the Haitian Revolution?
    3. Who became the first leader of an independent Haiti?

  2. Crash Course: Haitian Revolutions Video

  3. Haitian Revolution Today
    Use the sources (Unit 2 Reader) to answer the questions

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Who was Maximilien Robespierre?
    2. How did Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety attempt to reshape France?

  2. Reign of Terror: The French Revolution, Part III Video

  3. Haitian Revolution
    Use the reading (Unit 2 Reader) to answer the questions