- Warm Up Questions
- What new weapon was introduced at the Battle of the Somme?
- What country had a disastrous wartime experience due to be being poorly industrialized?
- At the start of the war in August 1914, when did “everyone” think it would be over by?
- The Christmas Truce Video
- World War I Propaganda Posters
Using the propaganda posters (Unit 6 Reader), determine for each one which propaganda objective it best represents and answer the review questions
- Warm Up Questions
- What were the two sides during the war?
- What countries fought on the Western Front?
- What countries fought on the Eastern Front?
- The Somme: Storm of Steel Video
Answer Questions
- A Global Conflict
Use the reading (Unit 6 Reader) to answer the questions
- Warm Up Questions
- What was the failed German plan to defeat France first, then go after Russia?
- What was the battle that prevented Germany from accomplishing #1?
- What was the name given to the space between trenches?
- WWI - Oversimplified (Part 1) Video
- Total War
Use the reading (Unit 6 Reader) to answer the questions
- Warm Up Questions
- What was the name of the Serbian terrorist organization which targeted Franz Ferdinand?
- What word means “a final list of demands”?
- What country would not honor its pre-war alliance?
- Entanglement of Alliances Simulation
- Europe Plunges into War
Use the reading (Unit 6 Reader) to answer the questions
- Warm Up Questions
- In 1839, European nations pledged to protect the neutrality of what country?
- What territory did France want to take back from Germany?
- What Slavic nation pledged to protect Serbia?
- Finish Powder Keg—Europe 1900 to 1914 Video
Answer Questions
- Review Unit 6: Essential Question #1
- World War I Maps
For each map (Using the Unit 5 Reader) color in the countries which represent the parts of the key and then answer the questions at the end.
- Unit 6 Essential Questions (Homework--Due the day of the unit test)
- Warm Up Questions
- What country began challenging Britain’s status as the dominant naval power?
- What countries made up the Triple Alliance?
- What countries made up the Triple Entente?
- Continue Powder Keg—Europe 1900 to 1914 Video
Answer Questions
- Discuss the Assassination
Take Notes
- Continue Powder Keg—Europe 1900 to 1914 Video
- Warm Up Questions
- From Unit 2, what term means “concern for or devotion to one’s own nation, especially desire for national progress, defense, or independence”?
- From Unit 5, what term means “the policy of extending the rule or authority of one nation over others by territorial acquisition or through economic or political dominance”?
- Unit 6 Overview Video
- Discuss the MAIN Causes of World War I
Take Notes
- Powder Keg—Europe 1900 to 1914 Video
Answer Questions
- Review Unit 5 DBQ Preparation: Part 1
Use the documents to fill out the chart
- Unit 5 DBQ Preparation: Part 2
Use the documents and Part 1 to fill out the chart
- Bring All DBQ Materials for Monday's Test (Homework)
- Warm Up Questions
- Through where would the United States build a Central American canal?
- What country is the textbook example of a “banana republic”?
- #2 would be an example of what form of imperialism?
- Unit 5 Test
- Finish Unit 5 DBQ Preparation: Part 1 (Homework)
Use the documents to fill out the chart
- Finish Discussing Imperialism in Latin America
Take Notes
- Begin Reviewing Unit 5: Essential Questions #2 and 3
- Unit 5 DBQ Preparation: Part 1
Use the documents to fill out the chart
- Study for Tomorrow's Unit 5 Test (Homework)
- Warm Up Questions
- What did Britain and China go to war over?
- What treaty ended this war?
- What was the massive rebellion against the Qing Dynasty led by Hong Xiuquan?
- Imperialism in China: Trade, War, Nationalism and Rebellion Video
- Begin Reviewing Unit 5: Essential Questions #2 and 3
- Discuss Imperialism in Latin America
Take Notes
- Warm Up Questions
- What was the only country in Southeast Asia to maintain its independence?
- What country gained control of the Philippines from Spain?
- Tariffs on what product led to Hawaii becoming a United States territory?
- The Dark History of the Overthrow of Hawaii Video
- Begin Reviewing Unit 5: Essential Questions #2 and 3
- Discuss China Attempts to Resist Imperialism
Take Notes
- Warm Up Questions
- What person will eventually lead the Indian independence movement?
- From Unit 1, what dynasty is in charge of China?
- What form of imperialism will we see in China where foreign powers demand exclusive trading privileges?
- Indian Rebellion of 1857 Video
- Imperialism in Southeast Asia
Read the article (Unit 5 Reader) and answer the questions
- Warm Up Questions
- Which European nation controlled most of northwest Africa?
- Who controlled the Congo?
- Who controlled Indonesia (East Indies)?
- Who controlled Indochina?
- Finish Imperialism Maps
- Use the maps of imperialism in Africa and Asia in Canvas to color in the maps for each colony/nation and which Western power they belonged to. Make sure you fill in the keys.
- Using those maps, answer the questions in the Canvas assignment.
- Warm Up Questions
- Following the Sepoy Rebellion, which form of imperialism would India be?
- What was the name given to the 200 years of British imperialism in India?
- What was the organization formed in 1885 that would eventually demand Indian independence?
- Finish Sepoy Mutiny Document Analysis
Use the information in the Google Slides from Friday to complete the evaluation question in Canvas
- Imperialism Maps
- Use the maps of imperialism in Africa and Asia in Canvas to color in the maps for each colony/nation and which Western power they belonged to. Make sure you fill in the keys.
- Using those maps, answer the questions in the Canvas assignment.
- Warm Up Questions
- What was the name given to the British corporation who gained control over much of India?
- What was the name given to the Indian soldiers who worked for #1?
- What was the main raw material the British wanted from India?
- Finish Discussing African Imperialism in Africa
- Why Is China Investing Billions in Africa? Video
- Sepoy Rebellion Document Analysis
Use the documents (Unit 5 Reader) to fill out the Google Slides for your assigned document.