Friday, January 31, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Who was the president of Germany who appointed Hitler as Chancellor?
    2. What group did Hitler originally target as Chancellor?
    3. What automaker was created by Nazi Germany?

  2. Unit 7A DBQ Essay Test

Thursday, January 30, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. By the 1930s, who did Japan see as their enemies?
    2. Who did Japan see as potential allies?
    3. Where did Japan invade in 1931?

  2. Unit 7A DBQ Preparation: Part 2
    Use the documents and Part 1 to fill out the chart

  3. Finish Unit 7A DBQ Preparation (Homework)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What is the term which means prejudice against or hostility towards Jews?
    2. What was the first step of the Holocaust, which stripped Jews of their citizenship?
    3. What was the first violence of the Holocaust?

  2. Unit 7A DBQ Preparation: Part 1
    Use the documents to fill out the chart

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What event, shortly before elections, allowed the Nazis to become the majority party in Germany?
    2. What was passed by the German legislature that ended democracy in the country?
    3. What was the name of the secret police in Nazi Germany?

  2. Finish Discussing Hitler's Totalitarian State
    Take Notes

  3. Authoritarianism in Japan
    Read the article (Unit 7A Reader) to answer the questions

Monday, January 27, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What title did Mussolini take for himself?
    2. What title did Hitler take for himself?
    3. What was Hitler's blueprint for Germany, as written when he was in prison?

  2. Finish Discussing the Rise of Hitler
    Take Notes

  3. How Did Hitler Rise to Power? Video

  4. Discuss Hitler's Totalitarian State
    Take Notes

Friday, January 24, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What was the name of Mussolini’s new political party?
    2. What was the event that led to Mussolini becoming the dictator of Italy?
    3. Where did Italy conquer in 1935, which they failed to in 1896?

  2. History Brief: Benito Mussolini Gains Power in Italy Video

  3. Review Unit 7A: Essential Question #1 (Russia and Italy)

  4. Discuss the Rise of Hitler
    Take Notes

Thursday, January 23, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What was the American plan to help Germany recover from hyperinflation?
    2. In what country did the Great Depression start?
    3. What was the name of the artistic movement following World War I that expressed disillusionment?

  2. America Caused the Great Depression Worldwide? Video

  3. Review Unit 7A: Essential Question #2

  4. Fascism in Italy
    Use the reading (Unit 7A Reader) to answer the questions

  5. Unit 7A Essential Questions (Homework--Due the day of the unit test)

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What became the new “religion” in the Soviet Union?
    2. What was the new art style where Communism had to be portrayed in a positive light?
    3. Who was the last surviving Russian revolutionary, who Stalin had killed in Mexico City in 1940?

  2. Lost Generation
    Use the provided artistic selections to answer the questions

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What is the term that means a “one-party dictatorship that attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of their citizens"?
    2. Who were the wealthier farmers who became the first victims of the gulags?

  2. Finish Discussing Stalin's Totalitarian State
    Take Notes

  3. Finish Stalin: Man of Steel Video
    Answer Questions

  4. A Worldwide Depression
    Use the reading (Unit 7A Reader) to answer the questions

Friday, January 17, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What was the name of Stalin’s plan to force peasants to give up their land to large government-run farms?
    2. Where was the Terror Famine located during #1?
    3. What were the forced labor camps Stalin sent millions of people to?

  2. Continue Stalin: Man of Steel Video
    Answer Questions

  3. Discuss Stalin's Totalitarian State
    Take Notes

Thursday, January 16, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. What were the two sides during the Russian Civil War and who made up each?
    2. What was the name of Lenin’s plan to nationalize businesses during the Civil War?
    3. Who became the leader of the Soviet Union following Lenin’s death?

  2. Stalin: Man of Steel Video
    Answer Questions

  3. Discuss Stalin's "Reforms"
    Take Notes

  4. Continue Stalin: Man of Steel Video
    Answer Questions

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

  1. Warm Up Questions
    1. Which four countries came out of the Paris Peace Conference the most resentful?
    2. What did Woodrow Wilson believe was necessary to create to prevent another war?
    3. Did the United States join #2?

  2. Unit 7 Overview Video

  3. Vladimir Lenin
    Use the readings (Unit 7A Reader) to answer the questions

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

  1. Second Semester Class Information

  2. 2024 in Review Video

  3. Gen Z teaches History: World War I Video

  4. Pre and Post World War I Maps
    Use the maps and your knowledge of World War I to answer the questions

  5. Over The Top World War I Simulation (Period 1 only)

  6. Most Important Event of 2024? (Homework--Due Tomorrow)
    In Canvas, choose what you think was the most important/interesting/news-worthy event in 2024 (not something that only affected you, but something which might have impacted your community, state, country, world, etc.) and at least one paragraph about why you think it was the most important (note: it does not have to be something from the video we watched in class, but could be anything that happened last year in news, politics, sports, entertainment, technology, or any other situation)